Monday, October 28, 2013

October 28, 2013

Hey Mom,

  The work is going okay. I wish it was going better. It was a hard week because me and my comp were out to our area. Because he is going home he went down to the Medford Temple Tuesday and Wednesday so we couldn't really teach anyone. It was a long week. We did get to teach this guy named Ashlee. He is pretty cool. He knows the Bible really well and had a question why do we go to church Sunday instead of Saturday. We explained it to him but be didn't get it so we are going to bring our bishop with us and he is going to help us explain it today at 6. oh, we kinda found a new investigator and his name is Levi Hamble. I think that is his last name. We went to a ward party and he was there with his 9 year old that got baptized 6 months ago. We started to talk to them and out of no where he said "you should come over to dinner at my house this week and we can talk more and hang out. So hopefully that goes good.
  So pretty much all we do is service which is good so people can see us help out the community. So the types of service we do is, we are building a house for the poor which is really good because all the people that build on the house are all old people. We try to teach them but it's not so successful, but we will keep trying. Oh, we dug this 4 foot trench that was 30 yards long . It was the easiest trench I dug in my whole life as it was all fine fine sand. All of the service we do is for non members and there is of course members give us service. I love bearing my testimony about the Savior and His atonement. Last night we went over to my Bishop's mom's house. Her husband died last year and she remarried a non member and we got to know them. I shared this message that I have about a light house and tied that in about the Savior and His atonement. Then my comp shared about a yoke and what a yoke is used for and also tied that into the atonement. It was really spiritual and the Bishop's wife started to cry. It was amazing.
  Well, the weather is amazing up here but kind of weird. One day it is cloudy and misty then the next day it is sunny and feels amazing out. Well, I wish I went down to Tombstone with you guys. Oh, speaking of Tombstone that guy Levi went to high school there. Kinda weird, I never heard of anyone going to school there. That is good dad built horseshoe key rings. That is funny what that kid said in the primary program. I am glad you sold all those puppies what a blessing. I did read that letter from Vanessa and I am glad she is doing good. I did write her and we have been writing back and forth. That is good about Justin Kelly. I hope his marriage goes through. I bet the Alston family sang really good as they always do. Oh, so the last thing I want to tell you is what happened last night. So we came to the church to pick some stuff up. We came out to our car and my comp had his keys in the box we put in the car. I thought we were leaving so I closed the trunk and was going to get in and he was like "crap the keys are in the trunk." So me and my comp called a member to bring some wire coat hangers so we could try to break in. We started to and we got really close and when we pushed down to unlock it we heard it click but we pushed down on the wrong side and we locked it. It was getting really late and we couldn't get it open. It was really frustrating so we called it a night and in the morning we called a locksmith and it took him 5 minutes to get in. I was so mad it took him that quickly and we spent all night trying and we couldn't open it. Well, I love you mom and dad and I hope to hear from you next week.

Love Elder Reed

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