Monday, December 5, 2011

Nov 14, 2011

Hey Mom,

Things are going really good. Sunday at lunch we went over to eat a roast with carrots and potatoes and gravy. It reminded me of your cooking. It was so good, haha, I had 4 plates. Brooke and Nich better move to Holbrook. David Hatch is getting married? Who is he getting married to ? Tell Brooke to give me his email. Hey, I have one favor , can you send me Vanessa's address. I really want to write her!!! Karlee is so funny. I wonder if they are really going to name their kid Stetson, haha that would be awesome. John should totally take the job at the rocking r!!! Tell him if he doesn't take the job I will beat him up. What does dad have and how did he get so sick? Tell him to get a blessing from John and Sam. I know he will feel better!!! It is really amazing how powerful the priesthood is!! Hey, I need one more favor, can you look up a sister missionary for me? She went to the Liberty Jail mission and her name is Sister Atkin. If you can find her can you give me her address, I need to talk to her. Thank you for that story. I will print it off and read it when I am having a bad day or something like that. So that ugly cat had kittens? How in the world did it have kittens? I hope they grow up so I can go hunting cats:) Oh did you hear there were two missionaries killed in Texas and one just got released from the hospital. A car hit the one missionary and died on the spot then the other one made it to the hospital and died there also and the last one just had stitches. You should look it up! Well, we had a zone conference and the mission president said he already knows who is getting transferred and I think I am one of them. Well my spanish sucks but I am starting to pick some words up. I love you guys so much. Hope you have a great day at grandmas and grandpa bears. Tell them hi for me.
Love Elder Reed

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