Friday, November 18, 2011

Nov 7, 2011

Hey Mom,
I have half English and half Spanish. haha. I am trying to learn it but I'm not doing so well. Thanks for the box, I am so warm now at night:) The cookies were really good also. So right now we are teaching this less active guy. We invited him to church and he went and we kept visiting him and you can see a huge difference in him. Its so awesome. We have two spanish investigators. We taught them the first lesson which is the restoration. It went really good. I guess the mission president made a new rule about you can't carry a knife around. I am going to talk to him personally. Thanks for the cd with the song that Jamie sang. Every time I hear it it reminds me of Katelyn, shhhh don't tell her that. I told DJ to date other people. She hasn't wrote me back. I hope she is not mad at me. I want to have FHE up here like you do but I don't know if people would want to do that. The wedding sounded like so much fun. I wish I was there to go to the temple with you guys. So I guess Karlee is now my sister, haha. I bet the food was so stinken good, haha. Why the heck did John and Ben use Stetson!!! Karlee is the only one that can ride him!!!!!! Karlee sure does cry a lot, but thats a good thing. That is so funny about Lacey not wanting to sleep in my room. Well, I sure do love you guys. Oh, and I had to buy a bigger jacket. I was freezing. It was $30. I hope that was okay. Let me know everything that happens this week. Love you mom.
Adios:) Love Elder Reed

Hey Dad,

Karlee is now a Reed, that is funny, haha. I bet Karlee had a blast riding Belle. Carson is so funny that he scared Karlee. I wish I was there for that rodeo. It sounds like so much fun, haha. That is awesome that Caleb stayed on and rode Belle afterwards. I am surprised he stayed on so long and didn't cry. I probably would of cried, haha. You should of had Katelyn and Naked go up. Tell Briana to write me. I want to see some pictures. I am so glad you guys are getting some snow down there. Is it raining at all? Thank you for the pictures, haha. Well we only got 5 investigators. So I hope we can baptize all of them. So now I bet the house is pretty lonely, haha. How is your truck running. Do you drive the 77 or not? Well everyday its like 50 degrees or 44 and so I 've been pretty cold. I had to go buy a big jacket up here. Well, tomorrow I get to see the mission president which is cool. He said we are not suppose to have a pocket knife. But I will talk to him about it. Well, Oregon is really good. Love you so much. I will write more next week.
Love, Elder Reed

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