Wednesday, November 9, 2011

Oct 31, 2011

Hey Dad,

The mission office called and I should get my package tonight. Its been really cold up here. That is so good that Brooke got there safely. I am so proud of Karlee. She is doing an awesome thing. Tell her I was scared too. I hope I can see some pictures soon. Hey, what is the news on my truck and dirtbike? I sure met you and the family!!! I have been so busy up here. Maybe next week I will send some pictures home. Sunday my companion and I were visiting investigators and I needed to go to the bathroom so so bad and he wouldn't go to a place that had a bathroom. So I told him I would go to the bathroom on this wall and he didn't believe me that I would . So I went . It was kinda scary because it was in the middle of public but it was at night. I am glad I didn't get arrested, haha. Well Sunday I went tracking and we talked to over 150 people yesterday. It was so cool. The rain started up. I am trying to learn spanish but it is confusing, but I am trying my best. Well, I hope everything is going good for you and could you ask James where he last served at. Could you ask Micah Rogers where his family lives in Oregon. Let me know how John and Karlee's wedding goes, haha. Well, I have been a month out since I left Arizona. It seems like its just been one day. Time flies by when your doing the lords work. Well I better get going. Love you so much.
Love Elder Reed

Hey Mom,
How are you doing? This past week flew by, haha. Sunday I met a bunch of people and they asked me to say the closing prayer. I was so scared but I did it. The ward is so tiny compared to ours back home. I am struggling about learning spanish. I have an hour on language study. Thats so funny Karlee's thing feel off in the Temple. Tell her thats what she gets because she didn't get married when I was there! I have been teaching a few people but its been okay. I have been getting really bad migraine headaches. I don't know why I have been getting them. Well, can you send me some of your church cd's up here? Hey, Jamie and Katelyn, that song they played for my farewell talk. I listen to that every day because my companion has that song on his cd. Well, everything is going good here. Love you guys so much. Tell me how the wedding goes. Love you so much. Thanks.
Love, Elder Reed

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